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     By James Cho August 13, 2018

SEOUL, Republic of Korea. If anybody has to cite the biggest revolution of academic year 2017/2018 that has swept Ignatius Global School and its lifestyle, he or she has to answer Student Government. The student body that had originally been established for obligatory needs by the school has flourished to become the pack of the most influential people in the ambience. The proof to this statement is not far away. Any IGS student can recall to 2017/2018 academic year to find that it was a year full of events, performances, entertainments, and activities: all of which were directly created and managed by the Student Government itself. Such was the importance of the 40-peopled group.

Recounting the stories of the Student Government three years ago, which barely made three to four formal events on 2015/2016 academic year, the current size of the student council, both in quantity and quality, is incomparably huge. However, the mammoth significance of it also means that the body is given much expectation and demands to fulfill, as the legacy that finishing Student Government Boards leaves for their successors is just getting bigger and bigger.

As the end of August comes without notice and the senior members of the council will retire with handful of respect soon, more and more interest and curiosity over the new executive board is pinnacling. You can see it in the Instagram updates and stories, Line profile photos, and even in school, that the race has begun. It is nonetheless an astounding culture for IGS and its denizens, to see that a “mere” Student Government President Election can heat up the school atmosphere this much. Yet, if you have thought so, you were not catching up.

Retrospectively, the older generation of IGS might remember how the last three presidential elections were done. They were simple. For the 2015/2016 academic year, school foundation chose the executive board for service and it was so. 2016/2017 had three volunteers visiting each class, asking for votes which electors gave according to their proximity with the candidate. 2017/2018 election, which was even falsely rumored that it had been devised, was just the ordinary vote with one less candidate than the year before.

This year’s election, as it has shown itself to be, is different. At the beginning of August, GEC – General Elections Committee, known as BIAS during Latihan Kepemimpinan OSIS (LKO) – announced the three candidates running for the presidential election. Timotius Jason, Eugenia Angelica, and Jassen M. Chen have been given numbers 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The nomination itself may not be a big surprise for people who have witnessed the contenders’ devotion and volition to work hard, but how fiercely and zealously the candidates and their minions are contending for the iron-throne this year is the show to enjoy. Phenomenal, tens of juniors (11th graders) have chosen their own leader and party, and they are not only persuaded to follow their leaders, but they are persuading others to join their faction and eventually, the election. Small it might seem, the promotions of the juniors in Instagram, but in truth, it has gained huge interest not only between the juniors, but also amongst the sophomores (10th graders) and even alumni. Gradually, this novel culture is shaping IGS’s residents into a democratic partisan, who might just care a little bit more about their own government and their rights over it.

In the heart of the specialness of this election are some names that you cannot simply ignore for who they are. Timotius Jason, a big part of the Olympiads Club and a member of u.i.d, is surprisingly running for presidential position without former experience as student government member. He might be questioned for his lack of time as an OSIS member compared to the other two candidates, but on the other hand, that might just be his charming point, a normal non-OSIS personnel who feels and see what the majority wants. Besides, Timotius has shown reasonable potential during his LKO period, which could be interpreted as a harbinger to his success in student government too.

The legacy of leadership in IGS was indubitably fair and open for women. Eugenia Angelica, the only female candidate in this election, definitely has a chance to inherit the solidly established woman leadership led by Meilia Wanady and Celica Gouw. Amiable and polite, Eugenia just may be the person to succeed the burgeoning student government, just as much as her role in the group’s development. Also, what she has learned and felt as a proactive activist in the student government must have taught her what to fix and what to keep for the future of the OSIS and IGS. Yet, on the other side of her softness, Eugenia will have to figure out how she can also be depicted the strong and decisive matriarch just as her competitors.

There were three nominations; and presumably it had to be more than two for the abundance of good characters amongst the rising juniors (11th graders). Jassen M. Chen, who has just competed in NSDC, has taken the original steps of becoming the part of student council executive board which are to serve in the student government faithfully and diligently as a member. Social and shrewd trait of Jassen and his dexterity in OSIS, which he has shown throughout the last academic year both as a section coordinator and head of committee in events, evidently convinced the GEC and they might convince the electors next. Nevertheless, just like the other two, he too will have to make the maximum out of the candidates’ oration on Monday and candidates’ debate on Tuesday to distinct himself and prove that he can handle a bigger community, given the quality of the other crown contenders.

On August 15, the long awaited election will take place. The election is just and only about the biggest number now. The candidate with the largest vote number will be the much awaited 2018/2019 student government President, and the other two will still be his or her Vice President I and II. Pretty simple and trivial is the election in such perspective. However, here is the crown of legacy, responsibility, and expectations. Putra, Meilia, Celica, and who is next?


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